Saturday, September 25, 2010

I am ME

Just a little something I wrote. :]

What do you do when the ground beneath you starts to rumble, and the pieces break apart?
You fall.

What do you do when you are pushed to your ultimate limits?
You quit.

What are you when everything around you is dark?
You're blind.

What do you do if the person next you fails?
You judge.

What do you do when the race is over, and you're left behind?
You stop.

But what do I do when I have just fallen?
I stand and rise again.

What do I do when I'm pushed to my ultimate limits?
I push back harder.

What do I do when I'm trapped in the darkness?
I search for the light.

What do I do when the person next to me fails?
I reach out and help them succeed.

And what do I do when I get left behind in the race?
I catch my breath, and then I run until I've finished.

I will not hide, quit, be blinded by the world, judge or stop.
I am Natalie Currie. I am me.

Swing Life Away

Recently, I've decided that I'm moving to Oregon. This has highlighted many different views and ideas for me. Moving out on your own for the first time is one thing, moving across the state is another. Nervous? I'm definitely nervous. But I am so excited.

About 56% of people with high school diplomas will move out of state. Mostly, people will wait until they have gotten a college education, and then the stats bump up to 77%. Most people are afraid to leave home. Who wouldn't be? But my thing is, why not take the chance? There's no opportunity unless you do something to create one.

There is a whole other world out there beyond the walls binding me in, and I am so ready to get out there and discover it. I'm terrified to leave my friends and family, I know I will get insanely homesick, but the feeling I get when I think about living there, can none other be expressed then "right". It just feels right.
I'm coming down to the last week before I move, and all the pressure is building up. I've got some friends who I feel are treating me differently, and I've already said some goodbyes, but as it gets closer, I just feel that much better about it. My only regret is not being a better friend to those around me now.

I have some of the greatest friends anyone could ever find,
and now that I'm leaving them, I've been able to see all of the things that I was blind to before.
I'm not even there yet and I'm already getting an experience that's made me want to shape myself a little differently for the better.

It's a great thing that I've got my whole life ahead of me, plenty of time to make mistakes, learn from them, fix them, and make some more, until one day I become a pro. :)

With all the pressure building up, I would just like to swing life away.

I just want to get up there and start my new adventure, and always remember the one that I had here.
And of course, since I have my whole life ahead of me, I know I will see my friends again, and maybe I can make it up to them when I do.

I have so much to be grateful for and I have had so much help and support in this sudden move, I appreciate everyone who has helped and/or supported me even if they don't want me to leave.

My friends are still the greatest you'll ever find. :)

Signing out.